
בְּשַׁלַּח Parshah Beshalach Exodus (Shemoth) 13:17-17:16 “And it came to be, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that Elohim did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, though that was nearer, for Elohim said, “Lest the people regret when they see fighting, and return to Mitsrayim.”- Shemoth (Exodus) 13:17 This Torah Portion is called בְּשַׁלַּח …

Kids Learning: 2.4 Beshalach Shemoth (Exodus) Chapters 13:17-17:16

Beshalach- Shared Reading Torah Portions 2.4: Shemoth (Exodus) Exodus 13:17-17:16 Hebrew Word/Phrase of the Week: Beshalach Meaning: ‘When He Sent’ This week’s Torah Portion is called Beshalach (בשלח), which means “When he sent.“ This is because Pharaoh sent the people out.  This Torah Portion has spectacular events that show the might of YHWH.  Chapter 13 (Cont.): Last week, we learned that …


בֹּא Parshah Bo Shemoth (Exodus) 10:1-13:16 “And YaHuWaH said to Mosheh, “Go into Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the hearts of his servants, so that I show these signs of Mine before him.” Shemoth (Exodus) 10:1 יהוה (YaHuWaH) spoke to Mosheh בֹּא “Bo” or “go” to Pharaoh.  This term בֹּא “Bo” is where the title of this Torah Portion …


וָאֵרָא Parshah Wa’era (Va’era) Shemoth (Exodus) 6:2-9:35 And Elohim spoke to Mosheh and said to him, “I am YaHuWaH. “And I appeared to Abraham, to Yitshaq, and to Yaaqob as Al Shaddai. And by My Name, YaHuWaH, was I not known to them?– Shemoth (Exodus) 6:2-3 The name of this Torah Portion is Wa’era ( va’era)  וָאֵרָא which translates “and I appeared”. …


וַיְחִי Parashah Wayechi (Vayechi) Beresheeth (Genesis) 47:28-50:26 “And Yaacob lived in the land of Mitsrayim (Egypt) seventeen years. So the days of Yaacob, the years of his life, were 147 years. (Gen. 47:28) וַיְחִי Wa’Yechi literally means and he lived. Yaacob was well advanced in years, 147 to be exact, and he was aware that his life was coming to an end. …

Kids Learning: 1.12 Vayechi Bereshith (Genesis) Chapters 47:28-50:26

Vayechi- Shared Reading Torah Portions 1.12: Bereshith (Genesis) Chapters 47:28-50:26 Hebrew Word/Phrase of the Week: Vayechi Meaning: ‘And He Lived’ This week’s Torah Portion is called Vayechi (ויחי), meaning, “And He Lived”. The first sentence of this portion says, “And Ya’acob lived in the land..”. Ya’acob’s time comes to pass away and later on, Yahuseph’s (Yoseph’s) also. Chapter 47 (cont.): …

Kids Learning: 1.11 Vayigash Bereshith (Genesis) Chapters 44:18-47:27

Vayigash- Shared Reading Torah Portions1.11: Bereshith (Genesis) Chapters 44:18-47:27 Hebrew Word/Phrase of the Week: Vayigash Meaning: ‘Came Near’ This week’s Torah Portion is called Vayigash (ויגש), and it means “came near”. In the first sentence of this portion, it says, “And Yahudah came near (Vayigash) to him..”. Yahudah begs to take the place of BenYammin (Benjamin/Binyamin) as a slave in …


מִקֵּץ Parshah Miketz Genesis 41:1-44:17     “And it came to be, at the end of two years’ time, that Pharaoh had a dream, and saw him standing by the river…”-Beresheeth (Genesis 41:1) This Torah portion is called מִקֵּץ “Miketz”, meaning “at the end of.”  Mitketz literally begins the solemn “end” of two long years since the time Yahuwseph interpreted the …

Kids Learning: 1.10 Miketz Bereshith (Genesis) Chapters 41:1-44:17

Miketz- Shared Reading Torah Portions 1.10: Bereshith (Genesis) Chapters 41:1-44:17 Hebrew Word/Phrase of the Week: Miketz Meaning: ‘The End Of’ This week’s Torah Portion is called Miketz (מקץ), and it means “the end of“. “And it came to be at the end of (Miketz) two years time, that Pharaoh had a dream..” Yahuseph (Yoseph) understood that dream interpretations belong to …