Naso- Shared Reading Torah Portions 4.2: Bamidbar (Numbers) Chapters 4:21-7:89 Hebrew Word/Phrase of the Week: Naso Meaning: ”Lift Up” The Torah Portion this week is called Naso (נשא), meaning “lift up.” This week we finish counting where we left off last week and the Dwelling Place is set up and dedicated. Chapter 4: Last week we learned about YHWH telling …
Kids Learning: 1.11 Vayigash Bereshith (Genesis) Chapters 44:18-47:27
Vayigash- Shared Reading Torah Portions1.11: Bereshith (Genesis) Chapters 44:18-47:27 Hebrew Word/Phrase of the Week: Vayigash Meaning: ‘Came Near’ This week’s Torah Portion is called Vayigash (ויגש), and it means “came near”. In the first sentence of this portion, it says, “And Yahudah came near (Vayigash) to him..”. Yahudah begs to take the place of BenYammin (Benjamin/Binyamin) as a slave in …