Beha’alotcha- Shared Reading Torah Portions 4.3: Bamidbar (Numbers) 8:1-12:15 Hebrew Word/Phrase of the Week: Beha’alotcha Meaning: ”When you ascend” The Torah Portion this week is called Beha’alot’cha (בהעלותך), meaning “When you ascend.” This time we learn about the what’s going on after the first year of being in the Wilderness and how things are so quickly turning sour. Chapter 8: …
Kids Learning: 2.4 Beshalach Shemoth (Exodus) Chapters 13:17-17:16
Beshalach- Shared Reading Torah Portions 2.4: Shemoth (Exodus) Exodus 13:17-17:16 Hebrew Word/Phrase of the Week: Beshalach Meaning: ‘When He Sent’ This week’s Torah Portion is called Beshalach (בשלח), which means “When he sent.“ This is because Pharaoh sent the people out. This Torah Portion has spectacular events that show the might of YHWH. Chapter 13 (Cont.): Last week, we learned that …