Music video “On This Mountain” by Kerry Alexander Published on Dec 11, 2016Brother Kerry Alexander performing his song “On This Mountain.” This video was produced by Messenger of The Name with assistance from Kerry. If you enjoy this music please support brother Kerry Alexander and order his cds!
The Day of YHWH (YaHuWaH) יום יהוה
The prophets foretold that the Day of YaHuWaH would come quickly. We now live in the days and years prior to this event. The Day of YaHUWaH is described as a dark and terrible day of dread, fire, blood and pillars of smoke. This is the time of the great judgment and the time of the battle at Har …
The Spirit of Christmas
This video examines the “Spirit of Christmas.” If you have ever wanted to know if the Messiah was born on December 25th and what the significance of Christmas really is then this video is for you. We will examine the origins of celebrations such as Yule, Saturnalia and other winter solstice observations. This lesson will unwrap the truth about …
The Origins of Halloween
This video expresses the satanic, occult origins of the holiday known as Halloween. Halloween has origins that are shared with all civilizations expressly that of ancient Babylon, the Celts, Druids, Greece, and Rome. This holiday esteems death, the grave, witchcraft and sorcery yet is technically today classified as a “Christian” holiday.
This message deals with the Truth of the APOCALYPSE. In today’s world the Apocalypse is used as a cliche to describe just about any end time scenario. However the reason this word is used is due to it’s appearance in the Greek version of the book of Revelation. The apocalypse deals with the unveiling of Messiah Yahuwshuwa in his …
Sounds of the Shofar!!!
Above is a clip from the Feasts of YaHuWaH Series- Yom Teruah (The Day of Trumpets). This short clip deals with the four sounds of the Shofar Tekiah, Shevarim, Teruah and Tekiah Gadol. This four sounds link up with Yod, Heh, Waw, Heh the four letters of the Creator, YaHuWaH’s name.
This teaching goes into detail concerning Armageddon or Har Megiddo as it is called in Hebrew. All nations will come to war against Israel in a future world war. This even will trigger the coming of Messiah Yahuwshuwa. Are you ready for the war of that great day of YaHuWaH Almighty?
The Nazarene – יהושׁוע הנצרי Yahuwshuwa Ha’Natsri
This teaching deals with the title Ha’Natsri or as it has been translated “The Nazarene.” In this lesson we learn the importance of this title and that it has more to do with Hebrew prophecy than a small city named Nazareth. We will learn the importance of Messiah’s ancestry and his role in the Kingdom that is to come. …
The Wise and Foolish Virgins
Yahuwshuwa the Messiah taught the people using Mishlim or “parables.” This teaching unlocks the secrets of the parable of “The Wise and Foolish Virgins.”
Who is God?
We are living in the last days and people all over the world are asking “who is God?” The answer to that question will shock humanity.